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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf  

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf  The religious attribute it to divine will intellectuals to the outstanding achievements of Jewish scientists and scholars the modern Israeli is proud of his invincible army and thriving economy. But they all share a sense of privilege and commensurate obligation to civilize their inferiors and to spread progress and enlightenment wherever they are. This is a pernicious rendition of the colonial White Mans Burden and it is coupled with disdain and contempt for the lowly and the great unwashed namely the gentiles. The Jewish Response There were precious few Jews among the great colonizers and ideologues of imperialism Disraeli being the exception. Moreover to compare the dissemination of knowledge and enlightenment to colonialism is indeed a travesty. We the Jews are proud of our achievements. Show me one group of people including the antiSemites who isnt But there is an abyss between being justly proud of ones true accomplishments and feeling superior as a result. Granted there are narcissists and megalomaniacs everywhere and among the members of any human collective. Hitler and his Aryan superiority is a good example. The AntiSemite Argument number three  Jews have divided loyalties It is false to say that Jews are first and foremost Jews and only then are they the loyal citizens of their respective countries. Jews have unreservedly fought and sacrificed in the service of their homelands often killing their coreligionists in the process. But it is true that Jews believe that what is good for the Jews is good for the country they reside in. By aligning the interests of their adopted habitat with their narrower and selfish agenda Jews feel justified to promote their own interests to the exclusion of all else and all others. Moreover the rebirth of the Jewish State presented the Jews with countless ethical dilemmas which they typically resolved by adhering uncritically to TelAvivs official line. This often brought them into direct conflict with their governments and nonJewish compatriots and enhanced their reputation as untrustworthy and treacherous. Hence the Jewish propensity to infiltrate decisionmaking centers such as politics and the media. Their aim is to minimize conflicts of interests by transforming their peculiar concerns and preferences into official if not always consensual policy. This viral hijacking of the host countrys agenda is particularly evident in the United States where the interest of Jewry and of the only superpower have become inextricable. It is a fact  not a rant  that Jews are overrepresented in certain influential professions in banking finance the media politics the film industry publishing science the humanities etc.. This is partly the result of their emphases on education and social upward mobility. But it is also due to the tendency of wellplaced Jews to promote their brethren and provide them with privileged access to opportunities funding and jobs. The Jewish Response Most modern polities are multiethnic and multicultural an anathema to antiSemites I know. Every ethnic religious cultural political intellectual and economic or business group tries to influence policymaking by various means. This is both legitimate and desirable. Lobbying has been an integral and essential part of democracy since it was invented in Athens 2500 years ago. The Jews and Israelis are no exception. Jews are indeed overrepresented in certain professions in the United States. But they are underrepresented in other equally important vocations for instance among company CEOs politicians diplomats managers of higher education institutions and senior bankers. Globally Jews are severely underrepresented or notexistent in virtually all professions due to their demography aging population low birthrates unnatural deaths in wars and slaughters. The AntiSemite Argument number four  Jews act as a cabal or mafia There is no organized hierarchical and centralized worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Rather the Jews act in a manner similar to alQaida they freelance and selfassemble ad hoc in crossborder networks to tackle specific issues. Jewish organizations  many in cahoots with the Israeli government  serve as administrative backup same as some Islamic charities do for militant Islam. banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf  

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