competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium published this article page no 23 the closest he comes to a gun is the police unit that protects him and his $10 billion dollar forbes 400 fortune. so what is bloomberg trying to do? we can only conjecture. it does seem possible that he is positioning himself for a run for the presidency in 2008 and he does not want to seem overly bias to the police department. it seems to me he is patronizing the black community which is just as bad. the police commissioner raymond kelly is also positioning himself for a run for mayor of new york in the next two years. this means he has to watch what he says also. i cant begin to imagine what a police officer has to go through to make a decision in an instant to use his gun. human beings have five million years of evolution built into them shine india monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium published this article page no 21 a hale of bullets some fifty in all follow. one officer fired 31 times by himself. the driver of the vehicle who was supposed to be married the next day dies in the shooting and his two companions were wounded. in the crime scene that followed no one finds a gun that could have been used by the gentlemen in the car. what follows next is everybody is jockeying for position. the mayor announces that firing that many bullets (over 50) is unacceptable while the police commissioner keeping his cool talks about the evidence not being completely in yet to form a judgment. jesse jackson and al sharpton get in on the act and stir up old angers in the african american community. the first thing i say is thank god two of the officers in question were black and one hispanic. the remaining two officers were white. the second thing is that the mayor has never been in a shoot-out shine india monthly magazine subscription.\

 shine india magazine english medium

Friday, August 27, 2021

banking services chronicle books flipkart

 banking services chronicle books flipkart 

Published this article : banking services chronicle books flipkart  The world was expecting news from the US for quite a while but when the official declaration of war came out the reaction didnt seem that expected. On March 19th 2003 the first US troops entered the territory of Iraq with definite task to occupy the territory of dictatorship of Saddam and destroy his regime. The announcement caused many emotions like anger frustration fear disdain happiness excitement agreement. A great variety of motivating emotions showed up and flooded the society. Countries also differed in reaction on the statement some supported some declined as unacceptable and some remained neutral though it may seem that it is impossible in such kind of circumstances. Though the intentions of the US were clear there were a lot of accusations in personal gain campaign and disregard for the opinion of the world. The real question is was the war a mistake or a right move towards freedom and development. To evaluate the situation objectively we have to put aside all the principles we were brought on. We are a nation that longed for liberty since it was born out of blood of our ancestors and inheritance of the Natives. Lets look at the picture as neutral people that are not involved in the campaign. The war in Iraq showed of what society is afraid most of all. The same day people flooded the streets with protests against poverty inflation nuclear attack disorder in the country etc. This was the war highlighted in every news sequence in the world but the fact is that no one can be 100% sure that the information we receive is exact and trustworthy even with all this freedom and possibilities given. Us army with battalions from other countries exterminated the regime of Saddam and the nightmare for Iraqi people is over. The number of victims that were tortured killed assassinated or destroyed in another way is close to a hundred thousands.  And now when the action is over we are to ask was a campaign successful or was it a tremendous mistake? Analyzing information provided by pentagon the costs of the two wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan amounts to $518bln dollars. That is enough to fully fund global anti-hunger efforts for more than 13 years and provide every child in the world with basic immunization for more than a century. War is an expensive proposition. Whether youre for the war or against the war thats a fact said Robert Bixby the executive director of the Concord Coalition a bipartisan organisation that advocates balanced federal budgets. He is absolutely right in his statement. One more important thing is to see if Iraqi people realize what a radical change they have in their history. The aim of the US is reached for troops came not to take lives to conquer land to own oil but to bring piece and safety into the homes of Iraqi people. After the hardships of the war are forgotten Iraqi people will either hate the US for the rest of their day or bless the day when they stepped onto their land. banking services chronicle books flipkart

 banking services chronicle books flipkart 

banking services chronicle books for free in pdf

banking services chronicle books for free in pdf 

Published this article : banking services chronicle books for free in pdf  George Washington was the very first President of the United States of America. He was born on February 22 1732 in a small County called Westmoreland located in Virginia. Washington whose father passed away when he was only 11 was home schooled and learned how to become an expert woodsman and mapmaker by himself. In 1759 Washington married Martha Curtis a wealthy widow. Although Washington and Curtis never had children of their own Curtis had two children Martha and John from her previous marriage. After many years of turmoil between the Colonists and British Washington was selected as the Commander in Chief of the Colonial Army in 1775. The following year Washington and the rest of the Colonists declared their independence from the British. After years of fierce fighting and much bloodshed the British were defeated in 1781. Washingtons unique strategies combined with the help of the French granted the Colonists their independence. In 1787 Washington attended the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia Pennsylvania where the United States Constitution was first drafted. This Constitution was the main outline for how the government would function. The Constitution was ratified a year later and went into effect the year after that (1789). When it was time for voters to choose their first leader in 1789 Washington was unanimously voted in as the first President of the United States. He was also voted in unanimously for his second term in 1792. Although much was accomplished during his 8-year presidency his most well known accomplishment was that of the Bill of Rights which was adopted in 1791. Washington declined to serve a third term explaining in his farewell speech that a third term would give one man too much power. After retiring from politics in March of 1797 Washington returned to Mount Vernon where he devoted much of his time to farming. Washingtons health began to deteriorate severely in mid-1799 and he passed away shortly thereafter on December 14th 1799 at his home. The cause of death is believed to have been acute laryngitis and pneumonia. banking services chronicle books for free in pdf

banking services chronicle books for free in pdf 

banking services chronicle books online

 banking services chronicle books online

Published this article : banking services chronicle books online  On October 1 I had the privilege to come to Rutgers to see a screening of 18 in 08 a documentary produced by David Burstein a Haverford College freshman. The documentarys purpose to get out the youth (18 to 24 year-old) vote and tell politicians how to make it happen. Burstein and friends interviewed over 60 elected and former office-holders Congressmen Senators Governors mayors state legislations and Presidential candidates as well as activists campus leaders journalists and political consultants — but thankfully only one celebrity — Richard Dreyfuss. If Burstein et al. had to include a celebrity Dreyfuss was an excellent choice in Mr. Hollands Opus he played a music teacher beloved by more than two generations of high school students. 18 in 08 is not a Rock the Vote appeal to youth. It includes the words of many current students and recent graduates of varied political persuasions that makes it more real-life to college audiences than celebrity appeals. 18 in 08 does an excellent job of explaining the obstacles to youth voting which included  The right to vote is under-appreciated and taken for granted. Passed by Congress the 18-year-old vote was signed into law by President Nixon in 1971. It was oddly enough a reaction to young peoples complaints that if they were old enough to be drafted into the military service they were old enough to vote.  Politics offers little in the way of immediate gratification you have to be involved or hold public office for a long time before you can achieve tangible accomplishments.  Recent high school graduates college students and recent college graduates are experiencing dramatic changes in their lives such as a change in schools or move from school to work so they lack the time to get involved or become more informed about political issues.  Hassles in the absentee ballot process. College students and military personnel stationed far from home are not given clear information or direction on how to register to vote or complete their ballot.  Candidates talk down to young voters or appear disinterested in mainstream issues such as terrorism foreign affairs and affordable health care younger voters are just as interested in these issues as their parents are.  Young people do not believe that politicians are interested in them as voters or as a voting bloc some feel the two major parties ignore them so therefore an appeal to register by one party or the other means nothing. Most amazing this short (15-20 minute) documentary was directed and produced by a 16 year old he and his friends believed strongly enough in the right to vote to contact and collect all of these interviews before they were old enough to vote. Burstein took a year off between high school and college to complete the project its a major sacrifice to delay personal life plans for personal convictions. The hosts at Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Politics had gathered some useful facts about the youth vote in the 2004 Presidential Election to complement Bursteins presentation. Most interesting was that 87 percent of students registered voters successfully cast a ballot on Election Day while 13 percent tried to vote but were unable to or did not attempt to vote at all. On a more positive note 63 percent of students said they voted because they believed it was their duty as citizens. I hope this number increases according to Young Voter Strategies a non-partisan project at the George Washington University potential Millennial Voters ages 18-38 will become one-third of the U.S. electorate by 2015. It seems contradictory for a generation known to resist authority (positively and negatively) and challenge convention to leave the decision about who governs to their elders. I dont know if this was one of Bursteins intentions but 18 in 08 made me realize that a career in politics progresses as swiftly as other paths. Elected officials and campaigns are chock full of activists managers researchers and opinion leaders under 30 especially in leadership positions. Young elected leaders also have a history of advancement to higher office. According to my Rutgers hosts of the 19 men who served as President of the United States during the twentieth century 12 held their first elective office at age 35 or younger. The same is true for 57 of the 100 men and women in the U.S. Senate in 2003 as well as 215 of the 435 members of the U.S. House and 25 of the 50 governors holding office that year. Taking those numbers to heart politics is a young persons game. That makes it more surprising that candidates have such a difficult time attracting more enthusiasm from young people they have staff more than capable of designing the right message. Watch 18 in 08 youll see this is a challenge for political leaders of all persuasions candidates have more control over an apathetic electorate than an active one but all of the office holders who appeared in 18 in 08 preferred an electorate that was active and engaged. Party and ideology didnt matter. Everyone felt the same. If youre a parent order a CD of the film at the 18 in 08 website (the url is 18in08 dot com). Watch it with your young voters. You wont need to persuade them to register to vote. Theyll do it on their own accord. banking services chronicle books online

 banking services chronicle books online

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthlymagazine published this article page no 24 it wasnt until the seal was completed and approved on june 20 1782 that the national colors and symbols on the american flag had any defined meaning. the explanation for the flags design taken from a book written by the house of representatives during that time is as follows  the stripes –  white to denote purity and innocence –  red to represent hardiness and valor  the field    blue for vigilance perseverance and justice  the star   -  …a symbol of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial the stripe is symbolic of the rays of light emanating from the sun. in 1777 the number of stripes was congressionally mandated to stand at thirteen to represent the original thirteen colonies however designs throughout america still varied greatly shine india monthly magazine telugu buy.

 Shine india monthly magazine

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior ScienceRefresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 14 is it a mere coincidence that the highest court in our land had a majority of its members appointed by republicans? the electoral college is not a college but rather the means by which states rather than all voters determine the states choice for a presidential candidate. that vestige of an earlier struggle when politicians were distrustful of our citizen voters has become enshrined in our twenty-first presidential election process. yet another factor influencing elections is the enormous amount of money that candidates must raise in order to run for office. these funds come disproportionately from corporations and the wealthy. during the last several elections oil pharmaceutical health care and other major companies have been major contributors to candidates. is it no wonder that our tax and other policies favor these interests junior science refresher magazine buy.

 Junior Science Refresher

Monday, August 9, 2021

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior sciencerefresher magazine published this article page no 12 it lay dormant long enough for him to complete his classical education and graduate from dentistry school before symptoms began to appear. after his diagnosis he was told he had a few months perhaps a year to live. he was 20 years old. climate was the only treatment anyone could recommend for tuberculosis in the middle of the 19th century. seeking drier hotter weather doc went west. dying or not he still had to make a living. good dental hygiene however was not a priority for most cowboys so doc decided to try his hand at gambling. some historians have suggested that doc deliberately put himself in harms way over the course of his life out of a desire to die a quick if bloody death rather than waste away as the result of his disease. whether or not this is true he certainly seemed to have the devils luck (good or bad) protecting him. though he was sickly scrawny famously quarrelsome and habitually in a state if of mortal danger he always managed to survive bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior sciencerefresher magazine published this article page no 11 john henry doc hollidays final words spoken as he lay dying in the hotel glenwood in glenwood springs colorado were this is funny. well never know of course exactly what the wild west legend meant by this. perhaps he found it ironic that after a life spent tempting death in the gambling dens of the american frontier it was at last his 15-year long battle with tuberculosis that had killed him. but while it is certainly true that tb was the ultimate cause of his death it may have had an accomplice…the state of colorado itself. doc was born in georgia in 1851. his mother died of tuberculosis when he was only 15 and it is likely that he contracted the disease from her bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Thursday, August 5, 2021

competition success review year book 2020

 competition success review year book 2020

competition success review year book 2020 Published this article : On the heels of Super Tuesday Two it may not be immediately clear whether the democratic presidential nominee will be Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama but talk show host and conservative author Ann Coulter has it right. Ralph Nader notwithstanding and irrespective of how one feels about Coulter in the collective eyes of remote helpdesk 1 the 44th President of the United States whether one likes it or not - all things being equal will will be a democrat. As networks began to call Super Tuesday II in the wee hour as of Wednesday Morning Obama lead in the pledged delegate count but the Clintons have made it clear that they will win at any cost to include stealing the nomination with the help of the super delegates. Good guys it appears truly do finish last. Mike Huckabee compared to the two old angry white men might agree. The sole reason for the lack of a nominee in the democratic primaries to date is republican interference. Hillary did not win on Super Tuesday II. The primary was thrown to her by the republican party. Ann Coulter opposing Senator John Mc Cain apparently at any cost as the republican nominee is urging republicans to vote for Hillary as she (Coulter) sees Clinton as preferable to Obama. Right wing radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on the other hand in an effort to keep the chaos going urges his followers to vote for Hillary because he believes her easier to defeat in the November general election than Obama. If this were a baseball team involving Americas pass time there would be harsh consequences - ask Pete Rose Barry Bonds Mark McGwire or anyone mentioned in the Mitchell Report. Still the Clintons remain Teflon coated. Right wing conservatives in the middle of it all appear willing to cut off their collective nose to spite their face. Ronald Reagan is dead and he cannot be re-elected. So in the after math of the demise of the father of conservatism William F. Buckley many self described conservatives will refuse to vote in the general election. Others will vote for the democratic nominee and yet others will as his mother predicted hold their noses and vote the republican ticket headed by John Mc Cain. Whatever ones political persuasion it is clear that more than democrats have fallen in love during the 2008 election year. The question is if Hillary keeps applying her feminism witchcraft practices will the hope of Obama continue to float. Many still have not seen the light. While it is not the only factor by far having daughters of his own the Tennessee Mountain Man had rather have Michele Obama and her children roaming around the White House than William Jefferson Clinton with his stogie in hand and his arm around his latest uninitiated intern and a knowing smirk on his lips. Michele Obama asked how one who could not run her own house could run the White House. Computer Man agrees. It is a legitimate question. If Hillary could not control Bill when he assaulted Dick Morris and had numerous affairs while Governor of Arkansas as Morris articulates and could not control Bills wild ways in the White House while he was president how is she going to keep a reign on him if she is president? As first lady Hillary surely had more time to devote to soothing Bills wandering eyes and various traveling body parts than she would while answering the red phone (which actually no longer exists) at three oclock in the morning to handle a crises in a far away place in the world. Like the ever changing internet and web based computer repair America is in the mood for change. The history of the Bush - Mc Cain wars indicates that no matter who the 44th president of the United States is there will be change during the next term even should it be that the republican nominee gets elected. Although Mc Cain is trying to pick up the right wing of the political right in the last days he is not and cannot be their cup of tea. We can only hope that change includes hasta la vista to Bush and his Viet Nam Conflict left over cabinet as well as good bye to the Clintons and the nightmare they put the country through inthe 1990s. The republican party is already looking forward to 2012. The republicans have always expected their hopefuls to fall in line though it has certainly not always worked that way. But looking forward to 2012 the question today is who will be the presumptive head of that ticket. The current contenders are Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas of whom Bill Clinton even said publicly that is a good man and Former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. Of course depending on Mc Cains choice for vice president all bets could be off. The only thing for sure is that the party will learn from this election and will know it will need to be someone with more conservative credentials than John Mc Cain. But then again if the Myan Calendar is correct the world should come to an end before the general election of 2012 which would render all of these considerations mute and make what we do in the next four years all the more important. competition success review year book 2020

 competition success review year book 2020

banking services chronicle in hindi pdf

 banking services chronicle in hindi pdf 

banking services chronicle in hindi pdf  Published this article page no  In 1930 a group of 35 pediatricians who felt that an independent forum was needed to address childrens health issues came together in Detroit to form the American Academy of Pediatrics. Today the organization is celebrating its 75th anniversary and boasts 60000 members. "The AAP has a direct impact on the future because todays children are tomorrows leaders" said Dr. Carol Berkowitz AAP president. "By advocating for and providing the means for children to be emotionally and physically healthy the AAP is instrumental in ensuring that the future is bright." Here are some of the most notable advancements the AAP has helped bring about in the past 75 years * Increased immunization rates and lower incidence of infectious diseases such as polio measles chickenpox and pneumonia * Increased folic acid consumption among pregnant women in order to reduce birth defects * More than 1 million pediatricians have been trained in the AAPs Neonatal Resuscitation Program * More than 350 AAP policy statements have been released influencing debate on topics such as pediatrician reporting of child abuse (1966) breastfeeding for full-term infants (1978) counseling pregnant teenagers on various options including abortion (1979) giving mature adoptees access to their birth records (1981) opposing corporal punishment in schools (1984) advertising of contraceptives to teens (1986) use of analgesia during circumcision (1999) restricting TV for children under 2 years old (2001) and eliminating soft drinks in schools (2004). * The AAP influenced the passage of the "pediatric rule" the 1998 Food and Drug Adminis-tration regulation created to ensure drugs are properly labeled for pediatric use based on scientific studies. As a result at least 98 studies have improved the safety of medicines for children by identifying proper dosing safety information and possible side effects. * In 1992 the AAP advocated laying infants on their backs instead of their stomachs when sleeping a policy that resulted in a 50 percent reduction in the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome in the United States. The AAP plans to continue its significant contributions to childrens health for the next 75 years and beyond. Its goals include universal health care coverage for all children increased efforts to prevent and reduce childhood obesity expanded education about childhood health issues for parents and pediatricians greater understanding and research in human genetics increased efforts to reduce prematurity and improvements in vaccine efficacy and delivery. banking services chronicle in hindi pdf

 banking services chronicle in hindi pdf 

banking services chronicle in hindi

 banking services chronicle in hindi

banking services chronicle in hindi  Published this article page no  Last year Americas Promise-The Alliance for Youth and Founding Chairman Colin L. Powell USA (Ret.) launched the first-ever competition to identify the 100 Best Communities for Young People. The goal to identify counties cities and towns working to make their communities great places for young people to grow up. Over 1000 communities took part in the inaugural competition and winners were named from 40 states. To continue to build upon the success of the competition Americas Promise is conducting a series of five regional 100 Best Forums to provide communities with an opportunity to share how they provide healthy safe and caring environments that effectively educate young people and help them become productive citizens. The forums will uncover recognize and promote best practices by nonprofits businesses government policymakers educators and youth and civic leaders. The sessions will also encourage collaboration within communities to see that all young people receive the Five Promises essential to success caring adults safe places a healthy start an effective education and opportunities to help others. Participants will also be told how their communities can take part in the next 100 Best Communities for Young People competition slated to begin Fall 2006. State Farm will serve as the title sponsor for the forums with additional support provided by the Ford Motor Company Fund and New Century Financial Corporation. Every community across the country is invited to take part in one of the forums to be held &#8226 June 8-9 2006 in Long Beach California &#8226 July 27-28 2006 in Providence Rhode Island &#8226 September 14-15 2006 in Charlotte North Carolina &#8226 September 28-29 2006 in Indianapolis Indiana and &#8226 October 12-13 2006 in Denver Colorado. In addition to the exciting sessions and workshops all forum participants will receive a continental breakfast and lunch each day and attend an evening reception. banking services chronicle in hindi

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle book

 banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle book  Published this article page no    Western civilizations lone bastion in the Middle East has lost sight of its holistic longterm visage and is behaving like a fracturalized cornered animal lashing at all within its grasp. Israel fails to remember Chaim Weizmanns precursor to entering Palestine an inclusive benefice for both Palestinian and Israelite while Hezbolla solidifies its political gains by building hospitals schools and sadly but historically predictable terrorism.  Israel lurches forward in its current flailings as a selfdestructive proponent of blood extravasation adding and fortifying its enemies amidst its long and arduous journey not to peace and prosperity but instead towards slowing  progress as it perches on the precipice of…nowhere. Western civilizations lone bastion in the Middle East has lost sight of its holistic longterm visage and is behaving like a fracturalized cornered animal lashing at all within its grasp. Israel fails to remember Chaim Weizmanns precursor to entering Palestine an inclusive benefice for both Palestinian and Israelite while Hezbolla solidifies its political gains by building hospitals schools and sadly but historically predictable terrorism.  Israel lurches forward in its current flailings as a selfdestructive proponent of blood extravasation adding and fortifying its enemies amidst its long and arduous journey not to peace and prosperity but instead towards slowing  progress as it perches on the precipice of…nowhere. Let us delve into a little pragmatism and prognostication. Israels current war against Hezbolla Gaza and Lebanon will result in nothing gained except a continuance and perpetuation of a shortsighted blood extravasation. Blood extravasation a leakage of blood from a vessel to tissues surrounding it applies here as Israels current destruction of infrastructure in Gaza and Lebanon will lead to further extravasation to the Middle Eastern societies and cultures galvanizing the blood letting and hatred with further participation. Israel is simply demarcating its status as she holds the power to walk through her neighboring states as easily as a scythe through wheat. Apparently albeit falsely Israel feels a demonstration of this power will somehow help her towards her longterm goal of peace.  Under normal circumstances Israel would be in no position to be throwing its teenage temper tantrum as the United States would have slapped them upside the head for confusing an already tense situation. But alas the US is in no position to provide the corporeal punishment that Israel so richly deserves as the US herself participates in an awkward and ungainly foreign policy that Stephan Hawkings would be hard put to figure out. So prognostication as follows Israel will stomp around Lebanon and Gaza because they can to no result except more extravasation they will eventually tire out or decide they have done enough damage and find some pretense for ending the carnage but feel better. Syria is the cat on a hot tin roof as it doesnt really want to participate at all but will buck up with verbal support for their socalled breathen lets remember they were just forced by Lebanon and the international community to unoccupy Lebanon and privately will enjoy watching their little breathen get the stuffing knocked out of them. Iran the recent proverbial peacock will puff out its chest and make lots of noises but will participate in the morass clandestinely as usual. Recall that Iran at the cost of a whole generation of their male population couldnt even beat Iraq in a real war and fought to what war always fights to a simple redemarcation of the status quo. As Iran furiously tries to gain 60 year old technology and a certain hegemony in the area it means little Israel is specifically letting them know that even if Iran had the bomb which Israel will never let them do they have had historical successes against its middleeastern foes time and time again and they could walk through Iran if needed . This is a simple reiteration of the fact demonstrated for all to see. So much ado about nothing civilian death mutilation infrastructure destruction aside extravasation proceeds in a bloodletting to no purpose. Let us then give a whack at pragmatism for a paragraph or two. The problem is cultural.  Funded by our lack of understanding of the middleeastern mind western culture reveals its hardheaded thinking that tries again and again to fit its square head into a round hole.  Lets identify first that Israels problem is systemic and comes from a lack of  clear and longterm thinking. The 20th century bless its heart tried to deal with the age old problem of the Jewish nation that wasnt a nation and Chiam Weizmann with the Balfour Declaration in tow gave light and hope to the Zionist cause to battle the diasporas and pogroms of those times. They proceeded to buy their way into Palestine a really great deal for the Palestinians at the time as the area was the proverbial backwater of the middle east by bringing electricity sewer systems schools and libraries into the region the very same infrastructure which Israel is now blowing up.  In return Zionism would have a place to start a beacon of light so to speak for the Jewish nation to look to as they were being systematically brutalized around the globe. Unfortunately the 20th century also brought the Wilsonian 14 points and an intense desire for any type of nationalism. The Palestinians were no different than any other sovereign nation and could clearly see they would be overwhelmed by the influx of Jews into Palestine and fought back well before the war of 1947 that formalized the nation of Israel. Here we come to the systemic problem both are right. As with all real problems both are right and if you were born on either side you would be swayed depending on what birth mother you have. The solution is complex and as with all things will take time education understanding and TOLERANCE. Instead of territorial war which by definition would require that the winning side commit genocide to actually win Israel must go back to their initial policy of investment infrastructure education largess and benevolence. They are a western civilization smack in the middle of an old eastern culture. Israel is no longer and has not been for thousands of years a middle eastern country but rather a western country surrounded by middle eastern culture which unfortunately isnt ready and hasnt evolved to WANT to participate in a western way of life. They may be close but they certainly are not there. Hence the democracies that elect Islamic fundamentalist governments and our square headed lack of patience and tolerance in waiting for our fellow humans to be ready then and only then can we lend support for a true change in subjective thinking. Until then refer to the above bury your dead on both sides and wait patiently to celebrate with unbridled glee your day of redemption peace and prosperity. As a fundamental policy Israel must return to its longterm thinking and think holistically about its real goal of peace and harmony with its perpetually hostile neighbors.  A documented historical reminder war never works I repeat NEVER works.  She must return to her longterm policy of benevolence and understanding in the midst of terror instead of participating in a blood extravasation that will lead only to her perpetuating her time on the precipice to…nowhere. banking services chronicle book

 banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf 

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf  Published this article page no    Rabid antiSemitism coupled with inane and outlandish conspiracy theories of world dominion is easy to counter and dispel. It is the more reasoned subtle and stealthy variety that it pernicious. No smoke without fire  say people  there must be something to it. Rabid antiSemitism coupled with inane and outlandish conspiracy theories of world dominion is easy to counter and dispel. It is the more reasoned subtle and stealthy variety that it pernicious. No smoke without fire  say people  there must be something to it. In this dialog I try to deconstruct a mild antiSemitic text. I myself wrote the text  not an easy task considering my ancestry a Jew and my citizenship an Israeli. But to penetrate the pertinent layers  historical psychological semantic and semiotic  I had to enter the skin of rational classic antiSemites to grasp what makes them click and tick and to think and reason like them. I dedicated the last few months to ploughing through reams of antiSemitic tracts and texts. Steeped in more or less nauseating verbal insanity and sheer paranoia I emerged to compose the following. The AntiSemite The rising tide of antiSemitism the world over is universally decried. The proponents of antSemitism are cast as ignorant prejudiced lawless and atavistic. Their arguments are dismissed offhandedly. But it takes one Jew to really know another. Conditioned by millennia of persecution Jews are paranoid defensive and obsessively secretive. It is impossible for a gentile  whom they hold to be inferior and reflexively hostile  to penetrate their counsels. Let us examine antiSemitic arguments more closely and in an unbiased manner Argument number one  Being Jewish is a racial distinction  not only a religious one If race is defined in terms of genetic purity then Jews are as much a race as the remotest and most isolated of the tribes of the Amazon. Genetic studies revealed that Jews throughout the world  largely due to centuries of inbreeding  share the same genetic makeup. Hereditary diseases which afflict only the Jews attest to the veracity of this discovery. Judaism is founded on shared biology as much as shared history and customs. As a religion it proscribes a conjugal union with nonJews. Jews are not even allowed to partake the food and wine of gentiles and have kept their distance from the communities which they inhabited  maintaining tenaciously through countless generations their language habits creed dress and national ethos. Only Jews become automatic citizens of Israel the infamous Law of Return. The Jewish Response Race has been invariably used as an argument against the Jews. It is ironic that racial purists have always been the most fervent antiSemites. Jews are not so much a race as a community united in ageold traditions and beliefs lore and myths history and language. Anyone can become a Jew by following a set of clear though admittedly demanding rules. There is absolutely no biological test or restriction on joining the collective that is known as the Jewish people or the religion that is Judaism. It is true that some Jews are differentiated from their gentile environments. But this distinction has largely been imposed on us by countless generations of hostile hosts and neighbors. The yellow Star of David was only the latest in a series of measures to isolate the Jews clearly mark them restrict their economic and intellectual activities and limit their social interactions. The only way to survive was to stick together. Can you blame us for responding to what you yourselves have so enthusiastically instigated The AntiSemite Argument number two  The Jews regard themselves as Chosen Superior or Pure Vehement protestations to the contrary notwithstanding  this is largely true. Orthodox Jews and secular Jews differ of course in their perception of this supremacy. banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf 

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf  

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf  The religious attribute it to divine will intellectuals to the outstanding achievements of Jewish scientists and scholars the modern Israeli is proud of his invincible army and thriving economy. But they all share a sense of privilege and commensurate obligation to civilize their inferiors and to spread progress and enlightenment wherever they are. This is a pernicious rendition of the colonial White Mans Burden and it is coupled with disdain and contempt for the lowly and the great unwashed namely the gentiles. The Jewish Response There were precious few Jews among the great colonizers and ideologues of imperialism Disraeli being the exception. Moreover to compare the dissemination of knowledge and enlightenment to colonialism is indeed a travesty. We the Jews are proud of our achievements. Show me one group of people including the antiSemites who isnt But there is an abyss between being justly proud of ones true accomplishments and feeling superior as a result. Granted there are narcissists and megalomaniacs everywhere and among the members of any human collective. Hitler and his Aryan superiority is a good example. The AntiSemite Argument number three  Jews have divided loyalties It is false to say that Jews are first and foremost Jews and only then are they the loyal citizens of their respective countries. Jews have unreservedly fought and sacrificed in the service of their homelands often killing their coreligionists in the process. But it is true that Jews believe that what is good for the Jews is good for the country they reside in. By aligning the interests of their adopted habitat with their narrower and selfish agenda Jews feel justified to promote their own interests to the exclusion of all else and all others. Moreover the rebirth of the Jewish State presented the Jews with countless ethical dilemmas which they typically resolved by adhering uncritically to TelAvivs official line. This often brought them into direct conflict with their governments and nonJewish compatriots and enhanced their reputation as untrustworthy and treacherous. Hence the Jewish propensity to infiltrate decisionmaking centers such as politics and the media. Their aim is to minimize conflicts of interests by transforming their peculiar concerns and preferences into official if not always consensual policy. This viral hijacking of the host countrys agenda is particularly evident in the United States where the interest of Jewry and of the only superpower have become inextricable. It is a fact  not a rant  that Jews are overrepresented in certain influential professions in banking finance the media politics the film industry publishing science the humanities etc.. This is partly the result of their emphases on education and social upward mobility. But it is also due to the tendency of wellplaced Jews to promote their brethren and provide them with privileged access to opportunities funding and jobs. The Jewish Response Most modern polities are multiethnic and multicultural an anathema to antiSemites I know. Every ethnic religious cultural political intellectual and economic or business group tries to influence policymaking by various means. This is both legitimate and desirable. Lobbying has been an integral and essential part of democracy since it was invented in Athens 2500 years ago. The Jews and Israelis are no exception. Jews are indeed overrepresented in certain professions in the United States. But they are underrepresented in other equally important vocations for instance among company CEOs politicians diplomats managers of higher education institutions and senior bankers. Globally Jews are severely underrepresented or notexistent in virtually all professions due to their demography aging population low birthrates unnatural deaths in wars and slaughters. The AntiSemite Argument number four  Jews act as a cabal or mafia There is no organized hierarchical and centralized worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Rather the Jews act in a manner similar to alQaida they freelance and selfassemble ad hoc in crossborder networks to tackle specific issues. Jewish organizations  many in cahoots with the Israeli government  serve as administrative backup same as some Islamic charities do for militant Islam. banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf