competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle april 2021

 banking services chronicle april 2021 

banking services chronicle april 2021 published this article The profit margin in knowledge and information related industries far exceeds anything common to more traditional second wave industries not to mention first wave agriculture and agribusiness. What is even more important Poor countries are uniquely positioned to take advantage of this third revolution. With cheap educated workforce  they can monopolize basic data processing and telecommunications functions worldwide. True this calls for massive initial investments in physical infrastructure. But the important input is the wetware the brains. To constrain them to disappoint them to make them run away to more meritorientated places  is to sentence oneself to a permanent disadvantage and deprivation. This is what the countries in the Balkans are doing. Driving away the best part of their population by encouraging the worst part. Abandoning their future by dwelling on their past. Caught in a fatal spider web of family connections and political cronyism of their own design. Their factories and universities and offices and government filled to the brim with third rate relatives of third rate professors and bureaucrats. Turning themselves into third rate countries in a self perpetuating self feeding process of decline. And all the while eyeing the new and the foreign with the paranoia that is the result of true guilt. banking services chronicle april 2021

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