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Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle

 banking services chronicle

banking services chronicle subscription published this article Still at least appearances are kept in most cases  and decisions can be challenged in courts. What characterizes oligarchy is the extensive relentless and ruthless use of transcendent in lieu of inherent parameters to decide who will belong where who will get which job and ultimately who will enjoy which benefits. The trouble with transcendent parameters is that there is nothing much an applicant or a candidate can do about them. Usually they are accidents occurrences absolutely beyond the reach or control of those most affected by them. Race is such a transcendent parameter and so are gender familial affiliation or contacts and influence. In many corners of the globe to join a closed oligarchic club to get the right job to enjoy excessive benefits  one must be white racism male sexual discrimination born to the right family nepotism or to have the right political or other contacts cronyism. And often belonging to one such club is the prerequisite for joining another. In France for instance the whole country is politically and economically run by graduates of the Ecole Normale dAdministration ENA. They are known as the ENArques =the royal dynasty of ENA graduates. The privatization of state enterprises in most East and Central European countries provided a glaring example of oligarchic machinations. In most of these countries the Czech Republic Macedonia Serbia and Russia are notorious examples  state companies the nations only assets were sold to political cronies creating in the process a pernicious amalgam of capitalism and oligarchy known as crony capitalism or privateering. The national wealth was passed on to the hands of relatively few well connected individuals at a ridiculously low price. The nations involved were robbed their riches either squandered or smuggled abroad. In the affairs of humans not everything falls neatly into place. Take money for instance. Is it an inherent parameter or an expressly transcendent one Making money indicates the existence of some merit some inherent advantageous traits of the moneymaking individual. To make money consistently a person needs to be diligent resilient hard working to prevail and overcome hardships to be far sighted and to possess a host of other  universally acclaimed  traits. On the other hand is it fair when someone who made his fortune through corruption inheritance or luck  be preferred to a poor genius That is a contentious issue. In the USA money talks. Being possessed of money means being virtuous and meritorious. To preserve a fortune inherited is as difficult a task as to make it in the first place the thinking goes. Thus the source of the money is secondary. An oligarchy tends to have long term devastating economic effects. The reason is that the best and the brightest  when shut out by the members of the ruling elites  emigrate. In a country where ones job is determined by his family connections or by influence peddling  those best fit to do the job are likely to be disappointed then disgusted and then to leave the place altogether. This is the phenomenon known as Brain Drain. It is one of the biggest migratory tidal waves in human history. Capable welltrained educated young people leave their oligarchic arbitrary influence peddling societies and migrate to less arbitrary meritocracies mostly to be found in what is collectively known as The West. This is colonialism of the worst kind. The mercantilist definition of a colony is a territory which exports raw materials only to reimport them in the form of finished products. The Brain drain is exactly that the poorer countries are exporting raw brains and buying back the finished products masterminded invented and manufactured by theses brains. Yet while in classical colonialism the colony at least received some recompense for its goods  here the poor country is actually the poorer for its exports. The bright young people who depart most of them never to return carry with them an investment of the scarce resources of their homeland  and award it to their new much richer host countries. This is an absurd situation a subsidy granted reluctantly by the poor to the rich. This is also one of the largest capital transfers really capital flight in history. Some poor countries understood these basic unpleasant facts of life. They extracted an education fee from those emigrating. This fee was supposed to at least partially recapture the costs of educating and training the immigrants. Romania and the USSR imposed such levies on Jews emigrating to Israel in the 1970s. Others despairingly regard the brain drain as a natural catastrophe. Very few countries are trying to tackle the fundamental structural and philosophical flaws of the system the roots of the disenchantment of those who leave. The Brain Drain is so serious that some countries lost up to a third of their total young and educated population to it Macedonia in Southeastern Europe some less developed countries in South East Asia and in Africa. Others were drained of almost one half of the growth in their educated workforce for instance Israel during the 1980s. Brains are an ideal natural resource they can be cultivated directed controlled manipulated regulated. They are renewable and replicable. Brains tend to grow exponentially through interaction and they have an unparalleled economic value added. banking services chronicle subscription

banking services chronicle april 2021

 banking services chronicle april 2021 

banking services chronicle april 2021 published this article The profit margin in knowledge and information related industries far exceeds anything common to more traditional second wave industries not to mention first wave agriculture and agribusiness. What is even more important Poor countries are uniquely positioned to take advantage of this third revolution. With cheap educated workforce  they can monopolize basic data processing and telecommunications functions worldwide. True this calls for massive initial investments in physical infrastructure. But the important input is the wetware the brains. To constrain them to disappoint them to make them run away to more meritorientated places  is to sentence oneself to a permanent disadvantage and deprivation. This is what the countries in the Balkans are doing. Driving away the best part of their population by encouraging the worst part. Abandoning their future by dwelling on their past. Caught in a fatal spider web of family connections and political cronyism of their own design. Their factories and universities and offices and government filled to the brim with third rate relatives of third rate professors and bureaucrats. Turning themselves into third rate countries in a self perpetuating self feeding process of decline. And all the while eyeing the new and the foreign with the paranoia that is the result of true guilt. banking services chronicle april 2021

banking services chronicle academy

 banking services chronicle academy

banking services chronicle academy Published this article page no   Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful concerned individuals can precipitate change in the world ... indeed it is the only thing that ever has Margaret Mead Democracy is not the rule of the people. It is government by periodically vetted representatives of the people. Democracy is not tantamount to a continuous expression of the popular will as it pertains to a range of issues. Functioning and fair democracy is representative and not participatory. Participatory people power is mob rule not democracy. Granted people power is often required in order to establish democracy where it is unprecedented. Revolutions  velvet rose and orange  recently introduced democracy in Eastern Europe for instance. People power  mass street demonstrations  toppled obnoxious dictatorships from Iran to the Philippines and from Peru to Indonesia. But once the institutions of democracy are in place and more or less functional the people can and must rest. They should let their chosen delegates do the job they were elected to do. And they must hold their emissaries responsible and accountable in fair and free ballots once every two or four or five years. As heads of the state in Latin America Africa Asia and East Europe can attest these vital lessons are lost on the dozens of new democracies the world over. Many of these presidents and prime ministers though democratically elected multiply in some cases have fallen prey to enraged and vigorous people power movements in their countries. And these breaches of the democratic tradition are not the only or most egregious ones. The West boasts of the three waves of democratization that swept across the world 1975. Yet in most developing countries and nations in transition democracy is an empty word. Granted the hallmarks of democracy are there candidate lists parties election propaganda and voting. But its quiddity is absent. It is being consistently hollowed out and rendered mock by election fraud exclusionary policies cronyism corruption intimidation and collusion with Western interests both commercial and political. The new democracies are thinlydisguised and criminalized plutocracies recall the Russian oligarchs authoritarian regimes Central Asia and the Caucasus or Vichylike heterarchies Macedonia Bosnia and Iraq to mention three recent examples. The new democracies suffer from many of the same ills that afflict their veteran role models murky campaign finances venal revolving doors between state administration and private enterprise endemic corruption selfcensoring media socially economically and politically excluded minorities and so on. But while this malaise does not threaten the foundations of the United States and France  it does imperil the stability and future of the likes of Ukraine Serbia and Moldova Indonesia Mexico and Bolivia. Worse still the West has transformed the ideal of democracy into an ideology at the service of imposing a new colonial regime on its former colonies. Spearheaded by the United States the white and Christian nations of the West embarked with missionary zeal on a transformation willynilly of their erstwhile charges into paragons of democracy and good governance. And not for the first time. Napoleon justified his gory campaigns by claiming that they served to spread French ideals throughout a barbarous world. Kipling bemoaned the White Mans civilizing burden referring specifically to Britains role in India. Hitler believed himself to be the last remaining barrier between the hordes of Bolshevism and the West. The Vatican concurred with him. This selfrighteousness would have been more tolerable had the West actually meant and practiced what it preached however selfdelusionally. Yet in dozens of cases in the last 60 years alone Western countries intervened often by force of arms to reverse and nullify the outcomes of perfectly legal and legitimate popular and democratic elections. banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf