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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine subscription published this article page no  31 what does rbis $5 billion dollarrupee swap mean? context the reserve bank of india (rbi) has conducted a $ 5 billion dollarrupee swap auction as part of its liquidity management initiative leading to infusion of dollars and sucking out of the rupee from the financial system. what is a dollar–rupee swap auction? its a forex tool whereby the central bank uses its currency to buy another currency or vice versa. in a dollar–rupee buysell swap the central bank buys dollars (us dollars or usd) from banks in exchange for indian rupees (inr) and immediately gets into an opposite deal with banks promising to sell dollars at a later date. why do central banks engage in it? forex swaps help in liquidity management. it also in a limited way helps in keeping the currency rates in check. a dollar–rupee buysell swap injects inr into the banking system while sucking out the dollars and the reverse happens in a sellbuy swap. why is rbi resorting to it now? surplus liquidity in the system is pegged at rs 7.5 lakh crore which needs to be curbed to keep a tab on inflation. usually the central bank will resort to traditional tools such as increasing the repo rate or increasing the cash reserve ratio (crr) but this can have a negative implication on the economy. therefore the rbi used a different toolkit  variable rate reverse repo auction (vrrr) last year. impacts forex swaps are intended for liquidity management. therefore their impact on currency is only incidental. the rbi resorting to selling usd in two tranches will keep a check on rupees volatility and help curb its depreciation to some extent. for the bond market the exercise may have a pronounced impact. bonds yields are already on an incline. liquidity intervention through swaps indicates the rbis plan to use a different toolkit rather than the traditional ones and this leaves room for the central bank to buy bonds when needed. consequently the strategy will contain bond yields. instalinks prelims link 1. what is currency swap? 2. impacts. 3. rbi monetary policy tools. 4. bond yields. 5. bond yield curve. mains link discuss the significance of rbi currency swap shine india monthly magazine subscription buy.

shine india monthly magazine subscription

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine published this article page no 23  autocratisation is spreading rapidly with a record of 33 countries autocratising. the level of democracy enjoyed by the average global citizen in 2021 is down to 1989 levels.111while sweden topped the ldi index other scandinavian countries such as denmark and norway along with costa rica and new zealand make up the top five in liberal democracy rankings. indias performance it classifies india as an electoral autocracy ranking it 93rd on the ldi out of 179 countries. india is one of the top ten autocratisers in the world says the report. india is part of a broader global trend of an antiplural political party driving a countrys autocratisation. ranked 93rd in the ldi india figures in the bottom 50% of countries. it has slipped further down in the electoral democracy index to 100 and even lower in the deliberative component index at 102. in south asia india is ranked below sri lanka (88) nepal (71) and bhutan (65) and above pakistan (117) in the ldi. reasons behind the overall situation one of the biggest drivers of autocratisation is toxic polarisation it is a dominant trend in 40 countries as opposed to 5 countries that showed rising polarisation in 2011. autocratisation is defined as a phenomenon that erodes respect of counterarguments and associated aspects of the deliberative component of democracy. misinformation as a policy tool the report identified misinformation as a key tool deployed by autocratising governments to sharpen polarisation and shape domestic and international opinion. repression of civil society and censorship of media these were other favored tools of autocratising regimes. rise of political hate speeches has also impacted the situation. 8. international fund for agricultural development (ifad) context the government of madhya pradesh in partnership with the international fund for agricultural development (ifad) proposed two inexpensive and ingenious ideas to encourage women to cook balanced meals. these are 1. the 7 days 7 plots programme here women from the village are taught how to grow different vegetables in their own gardens seven to be exact one for each day of the week. by the end of the week the first plot is ready to be harvested again. this way families get to eat fresh affordable vegetables that they can consume for longer and in greater quantity as against buying from the market and so reduce sickness. this scheme is an adjunct to the tejaswini rural women empowerment programme implemented by the unaffiliated ifad in mp banking service chronicle magazine buy. 

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine published this article page no  22 concerns over misuse they can be used by un observers ngos and journalists to gain access to contested areas where war crimes are being committed. however there is a risk of military or political abuse. for example the corridors can be used to smuggle weapons and fuel into besieged cities. who gets access? access to humanitarian corridors is determined by the parties to the conflict. its usually limited to neutral actors the un or aid organizations such as the red cross. they also determine the length of time the area and which means of transport trucks buses or planes are allowed to use the corridor. in rare cases humanitarian corridors are only organized by one of the parties to the conflict. this happened with the american airlift after the berlin blockade by the soviet union in 19481949. instalinks prelims link 1. what are humanitarian? 2. who establishes these corridors? 3. what are they used for? 4. significance. 7. democracy report 2022 context the latest edition of democracy report was released recently by the vdem institute at swedens university of gothenburg. the study was titled democracy report 2022 autocratisation changing nature? about the report the report classifies countries into four regime types based on their score in the liberal democratic index (ldi) liberal democracy electoral democracy electoral autocracy and closed autocracy. general observations more than twice as many countries are undergoing autocratisation as are witnessing democratization. the level of democracy enjoyed by the average global citizen in 2021 is down to 1989 levels with the democratic gains of the postcold war period eroding rapidly in the last few years banking service chronicle magazine buy.

banking service chronicle magazine